Our Mission + Vision, update 1/2025
The Heart seed was planted in 2015, in a Yoga Shala in Goa, India. Since then it has been actively and lovingly tended to and cultivated by our sangha. I am pleased to share that we are making an impact and are about to begin our 7th year via our tranquil center in St Francis, with an incredibly brilliant team of space holders.
We Are Sangha
For centuries meditation centers have been community-oriented. Beyond the gift of meditation instruction and practice, they have been centers for study, counsel, ceremony, gathering, work, service, creativity and nourishment of all sangha (community) members and beyond.
The Heart Revival is an enduring dharma practice and community gathering center that provides refuge for community to revive and dive within via togetherness. Yoga and Mindfulness-based practices and other sacred systems of deep listening, are central to our focus and programming, all within a safe and nourishing environment. Heart is a place to delight in slowing down, to open the heart, to see life in a fresh way.
The community can anticipate even more opportunities for daily practice, continuing education, and a maturing retreat objective, to include further engagement in living karma or service-centered travel. Over the next 3 years, with the support of Vanessa Weber, the Heart sangha travels to Mexico, Peru, Ireland, Cambodia, Portugal, Costa Rica and more!
Perhaps not surprisingly, developing a conscious and mindful approach to our community relationships is fundamental to our practice and provides a framework for our greater vision.
Service and generosity are fundamental to the dharma and are a core aspect of the teachings ongoing. Through compassionate action, we nurture the qualities of generosity, patience and loving-kindness. Students and community members will continue to engage in service as an aspect of practice. In addition, Heart will support and develop opportunities and programs within sangha and the broader community to provide inspiration and support for those who are struggling, displaced and in need.
We are motivated to cultivate true connection with each other, with the earth and with all beings. Heart is guided by the principles of compassion, mindfulness, patience, non-harming and loving-kindness, which serve as a foundation for community that holds no bias towards anyone who comes seeking the company and programs of the sangha. Our programs are accessible, with slide scale pricing, scholarships and special programs provided to support this vision.
The primary purpose of Heart Center is to offer opportunities for compassion and collaboration through meditation, movement, contemplation, philanthropic efforts, ceremony, deep retreat and other healing modalities. Practice is life and life is practice. Heart seeks to enhance training in the integration of spiritual practice in daily life through classes, workshops, and events supporting compassionate action and service in the world.
Heart is inclusive, valuing and respecting the richness of varied approaches to meditation and affirming that the work of the center and our teachers is to preserve the heart of the dharma and adapt them in instructive ways to contemporary life. All paths lead to one.
Together we study. Preserving and making available the investigation of both traditional and contemporary mindfulness practices alike. Program study will include courses in traditional meditation, contemporary mindfulness in the world, social action/ the yoga of karma, somatic practices, healthy and ethical eating/ cooking, self-care and ethical/ right livelihood.
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for being and for contributing to this living mandala. We welcome your feedback, suggestions and support as we evolve. We welcome the spread of belongingness, togetherness and connection, to the benefit of all beings.
Hand to heart,
Shastri Meg Lucks | El Getsu Endo