Thank You, Sangha
February was a huge gift. Thank-you for allowing me to share Ho' opa' a and Aloha (Ti and Tea ceremony) with the Sangha. Our Sangha is so open and loving that I wasn't afraid. I thought I would be.
Like many of us, I compartmentalize my life into little boxes: Family, Marriage, work, Halau, Sangha... all of my boxes are coming together into one big Amy and showing these different sides of me is a big deal.
The Heart Revival saves me regularly; it is genuinely a place of Belonging and Joy.
I can be my true self and love everyone who comes through the door with a whole heart
AND I can watch that love come back. The Heart Revival is one of the healthiest relationships I've ever had. Give Love, Get Love - Aloha Aku, Aloha Mai.
Roy (Grant) had a practice during the Be Your Own Valentine event where we literally held each other in support and loving-kindness. Stephanie (Overman) inspired me to be completely vulnerable, she's so brave and beautiful... So, I stood in front of a mirror and each member of our Sangha that day put one hand on me: 19 hands offered energy, love and support through this gentle touch... I then looked at myself the mirror and told myself what I already knew to be true but didn't quite words were... I am Deserving, I am Brave, I will Survive. Then with their hands still on me, all gazing into the mirror, the Sangha repeated to me out loud... You are Deserving, You are Brave, You will Survive. Roy changed my life that day.
Mahalo Nui Loa Roy and Stephanie.
Maddie (Eschrich) taught me to put one hand on my heart and one hand on my solar plexus all while stopping to listen to how I'm responding to situations. I do this all the time. What is my physical reaction and what is my body telling me? Can I breathe?
Jerry (Becker) taught me about my energy and Super Friends (spiritual guides and support)... I talk to them all of the time. (I have no words for how profoundly affected I was by the he Winter Solstice Labyrinth).
Brenna (Kempf) gives me patience and faith. At the last Full Moon Circle I attended she reaffirmed that our sweet community takes care of each other and nature provides (crab shell video and our wolf pack). That night I also I drew an oracle card that read, "Instead of praying for an outcome, I pray for for the highest good for all." It has become my mantra. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be...patience.
Michelle (Marrero) gives me peace, a genuine sense of peace. She makes me feel safe. Her Veterans Yoga Practice from many months back is still with me. I live for Sunday morning sunrise and practice with Michelle. I carry that feeling of safety with me all week.
Mahalo Nui Loa Maddie, Jerry, Brenna and Michelle.
Mudita the Sangha and me... I loved watching Heidi (Nehring) lead our writing meditation. She was in her element and I got to share in that joy and excitement with her. I can't wait for the next one (clearly I need it). Her spirit is infectious and her honesty is inspiring.
Rebecca (Schmitt) is back to school to strike a new path and it is lovely to watch, she is doing it with such grace. Sue (Welsh) has stood her ground at her job and decided not to take a promotion because that's whats right for her.
Meg (Lucks) has manifested a human life while taking care of all of us. What a privilege it has been to watch her. Meg, thank-you for the Heart Revival, Thank-you is not enough...
You brought us all together, continue to wake us up and walk us home. You are a healer.
Mahalo Nui Loa Heidi, Rebecca, Sue and Meg.
Mahalo Nui Loa Amy! We love you deeply and are so glad you're here!
